Saturday, November 17, 2012

Dressmaker of Khair Khanna

In "My Favorites" on my sidebar, I recommended the book  "Dressmaker of Khair Khanna". This book is about survival, strength, and perseverance during a time of crisis; which in this case was during the Taliban rule in Afghanistan.  This is an easy read and hard book to put down.  I really got involved in the characters and as I told Kamila, (the main character) I was in constant state of tension as I read, anxious to know what is about to happen on the next page.  
This book was chosen for the Common Reading Program here at our university and I was very excited to hear that they were bringing in both the author and the main character to campus!
Unfortunately, I was still on medical leave when the author, Gayle Lemmon came but a friend of mine made sure that I got a signed copy of the book!  (Thanks BH!)
This week was Kamila's visit and I was lucky enough to have been invited to a closed luncheon with her!  (Thanks AS!)
Being a woman interested in small business, I couldnt help but be in awe of her courage and what she has done.  I was thrilled to have had the opportunity to meet her!  Not only did I get a picture with her, but an autograph..... both in English and in Farsi!  =o)