In less than 5 months I will be 50. FIFTY... FIVE. ZERO. The BIG 5-OH!

I truly am preparing for this milestone full of positiveness.
It is a wonderful time and perfect reason to start afresh!
My mantra is new beginnings!
A student of mine (thanks Carla R!) sent me an email when she celebrated her 30th.
I told her then that I would borrow her letter when it was time for me to celebrate my 50th.Except for two other people, I have already sent out my Celebrating 50 letter.
I have already started receiving some proposals and love how close to heart they are!
I am excited to read them and decide on which 50 will be my adventures!
The letter went something like this:
Over the course of my 50th year of
life (I am turning 50 in August!) I would like to have and do 50 life
adventures. These may be as simple as sharing a meal with someone or as complex
as completing a puzzle, as fast as offering a smile to a stranger or as time
consuming as reading a book (these are mere examples). And rather
than me select my 50 adventures, they get to choose for me!
Here were some guidelines to help formulate the adventure proposal:
1. It must
be meaningful, something that will enhance my life, even in a simple way.
2. It must
have a connection to the person in some way. Maybe something that person has done,
a part of their values, something they love, or something that teaches me about them or perhaps
something that they want for us to do together.
a part of their values, something they love, or something that teaches me about them or perhaps
something that they want for us to do together.
3. Keep in
mind cost and time since I don’t have a whole lot of either.
4. Be
creative! Think big! It is an adventure no matter how small or simple.
5. There are
four categories I have identified for the kinds of adventures I hope to have.
6. I will
have one year between 8/3/2016 and 8/3/2017 to complete the adventure.
Who did I choose to send this letter to?
Who did I choose to send this letter to?
I had 4 categories. I was intentional to have a variance in length of acquaintances, ages, geographical locations, interest, etc. The categories are:
1. Family
2. My formative years: childhood and school friends from elementary to college that
shared significant and memorable moments in my life. This includes my first love!
3. Day to day: colleagues and students that share with me my everyday
4.Close friends. Those that are not blood but are my "family" in every way.
I am happy to say that I already have my first adventure!
Stay tuned and find out!
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