Thanks to some wonderful friends, we had a wonderful time at the Disney Parks this St. Patrick's Day Weekend!
As usual, we camped at Ft. Wilderness and had an amazing time. With our park hopper tickets, we started at Animal Kingdom. For those of you that have never been there before, March is DEFINITELY the best time of the year to go! Take it from a Floridian! The weather is wonderful and the animals are the most cooperative too! None of them seem to mind all the noise of the safari trucks nor all the eyes and flashbulbs pointing and flashing at them! Here is the first animal who did not even move as we passed within a few feet of his legs!

Then this elephant decided to really give us a good show as we passed by him on the lake.

I LOVE elephants. They are one of my most favorite animals. They are soooo beautiful!

Then this rhinoceros decided to cross the road right there in front of us then turned to look at us!

Even the gorillas decided to come really close to the windows and have us stare at them!

This male gorilla was the funniest of all. He has decided that he liked the look of a backpack. So he grabbed one of the keeper's feeding bags and decided to sport it on his back! He walked around with this on his back and stood there posing with it!

It was a great start to a wonderful saturday!

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