Friday, December 21, 2012

Turning Blue

Happy Winter Solstice to Everyone! 
Even here in Florida, it is FREEZING!!
How befitting that the coldest day in the year for our parts is today!
Here at our university, someone painted all the tree bases by our student union blue....
I dont know the meaning for it but it makes quite a statement..
could it be because of the university colors??  but then there is no orange... just blue...
It's still apropos with this time of year so it's perfect for this post!
As I was cleaning up this morning, I found written on an old mailer envelope a quote that T had written down (as she finished reading her last book) and it is perfect to share today too!! 
 She really is such a beautiful being with a much older soul...  I am very blessed. 
"If the heart is warm and beats the way it should,
there is no reason to be cold"
-Pippi Longstocking

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful!!! I love it. Perhaps T is indeed, an old soul. Give her an extra hug for me :-)
