Thursday, June 27, 2013

Birthday Present

There are a lot of exciting things on the horizon for me.
Of which I'll tell you as things unfold.
One is that I'm finally taking the GRE.  So now I'm studying for it.   UGH!
I know that it doesn't sound like good news but it is. 
I've put school on hold for a while and I don't want to have so many post bach classes that it'll affect admissions.  So I'm finally being brave and facing my fear.
The GRE.
So as not to bore you, let's jump on to my next exciting news!
I just bought one of these!


Can't wait!  Can't wait!  Can't wait!
It is my Birthday present to myself. 
It's not yet for another month but hey, no reason not to celebrate early.
I bought it early because I wanted to have it while I'm on vacation.
I also am sick..and I mean SICK of the fact that although we have 3 computers at home, 2 ipads, an iphone and an android, that I am always without my own device!!!
Well now I will! =o)
Stay tuned for a lot more posts!  =o)

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