Monday, August 4, 2014

I hate July... and I've got a virus!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while...
You see, it's like this...
 I hate July...
I hate it because when my babies have their birthdays at the beginning of the month,
I feel old... like, really old..

and then I also know that in a month from their day, I turn a year older...
So it's a vicious cycle every year.
And unless I do something extra special
during the month of July that keeps me busy,
then I always think of that day in August when I turn another year older.

In the past couple of years, we were on vacation for most of this dreaded month
 so the past Julys were pleasant enough.
However, this year, we stayed home.
Don't get me wrong,
I'm getting a lot done around the house that needed to be done...
but this month has been intense.

There's been a lot of questions... 
I mean ridiculous questions...

and soul searching..
and planning...
and changes of plans...
and talking to a higher being...
and just trying to find some peace..
all of which seem fruitless...
Because I still have so many, many questions...
and I really don't seem to know which path to take
and where exactly I would find my answers...
So, yup. I kinda am lost.
...and I'm waiting for that AHA! moment.

Then on another note,the hubs tells me that two of the computers at home have a virus.
And that I am to stay away from the others that are not infected
...and he tells me that I am the cause because it is my tablet that got the virus first.
And that I infected the rest.
And I ask him how I will blog...
because blogging is my outlet...
and when I am blogging,
that's when the answers come...
but then the hubby?... he tells me that I cant blog.
Stay away from the computers, he says...

So I'm breaking the rules...

So now you know why there's been silence.
Hopefully soon, there will be some answers for me...
and a cure for the virus because the hubby seems to be taking his time with the fixing.

What about you?
Have you ever been in a similar place with the soul searching?
I sure would love to hear your story...

Please comment below as I love hearing from you!
But I would love you even more if you become a follower!
Submit your email address at the top left of my blog
and you will receive an email each time I have a new post! the way, the pictures were taken earlier this year in Birmingham, Alabama.
Pretty city!  :)

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