Friday, July 20, 2012

Oliver's Quilt and Travelling to Other Places

Hello Friends!  Please pardon my blog construction mess as I try to learn more about blogger's templates and layouts.  Thank you so much for stopping by and as always continuing to be faithful readers! 

Right before we left for our vacation, I finished piecing a quilt which I wrote about here.  A couple of weekends ago, I was able to work on the actual quilting on the long arm machine. 

 I LOVE this machine!!!!!  I am lucky enough to have access to one of these beauties because my mom-in-law has one.  I really, really, wish that I invented it... it just makes quilting easier, nicer and you get alot more quilt designing capabilities. 

 Mom K's is a Gammill and it has been discontinued but there are alot of other different kinds out there like this Consew and Tin Lizzie.  Here's a Tinn Lizzie already with the frame! 

For Oliver's quilt, I just used a random free motion meander all throughout the quilt.  I use this technique pretty regularly in my baby quilts because it allows me flexibility to make sure that my appliques are set well enough to avoid any baby mishaps.  I was in a hurry to finish this quilt and get it mailed so I eagerly quilted it without double checking the final layout first.  As I was wrapping it all up to send, I noticed some little details that I would have liked to have added but oh well.... 
So here's the finished quilt.
  In a conversation that I had with Oliver's mom before he was born, she had mentioned monkeys, hence the theme design.   
The quilt measures 45-1/2" x54".
Oliver received his quilt the other day...  looks like he likes it!  =o)

Since today's post is a small break from my travel posts, I wanted to give a shout out to some of my students that are in far and exotic places over the summer.  Two of them are back home visiting, one is fulfilling a dream of a long awaited graduation present, another one is there on an internship and the other on a summer study abroad scholarship. Check our their travel/picture blogs! Just click on their names! 
Rebecca is in Qatar.

 Ramadan Mubarak to all my friends observing Ramadan.  
Have a blessed one!

I joined the party link today at Pieceful Life.


  1. I LOVE those quilting machines! They are so cool! The one in Trenton... my mom and I literally watched it work for like ten minutes straight. Someday I will advance past basic blankets to quilts... :P

  2. What a sweet quilt! My daughter loves monkeys so I have some of that same green monkey fabric at my house. Oliver looks like he likes it, too :-)

  3. What a beautiful piece of art and I think Oliver agrees. That quilting machine looks like a lot of fun and I'm sure it makes the job much easier. Thanks for sharing and for visiting with me:-)
