Sunday, April 28, 2013

Cleaning, Purging and Salvaging

So as I told you in my last post (here) I have to clean the garage to make room for DadK's table saw. 
Well, believe me when I tell you that this is no easy feat.  It has years of "stuff" in there. 
I'm gonna say "stuff" because if I say crap, hubby will tell me to throw it all away...  again!  O_O
He tells me that I do a great job of relocating things instead of getting rid of what I should.
I DO NOT do that!  ;o)
So I started friday after work to attempt to clean and purge and I knew it had to start with the shoes.
They kinda really were all over the place... 
You see, I am a definite Imelda when it comes to shoes.
But I think not as bad as my sisters...  (I'm trying to justify...) But hubby still told me to count. 
So for the time being until I can get rid of the big white monster of a cabinet, I am using it for shoes.
So far, I put a dent on about a quarter of my shoe collection.
There are 68 pairs in there. 
I am hoping that I can at least fit 150 pairs after emptying the top and last shelf on the right.   
 Most of this cabinet housed the ga-jillion gardening stuff that we had accumulated over the years.
Of course, we kept buying stuff because we never knew that we already had it because it gets lost in the cabinet!
Soooo...  do you want to see where I got all those pieces of woods to make the shelves for the shoes?
This is a corner of our back patio right outside the master bedroom doors.
I always had planned on getting an outdoor cabinet/armoir something for there. 
Since I couldnt find one that I wanted, I decided to build it.
Building the shell was a little tough because the wood was still not dry from being treated.
So it was especially heavy and of course, you know how much I love height on any furniture!
I tried to assemble as much of the frame on the floor.
But the patio wasnt too level and so I had to assemble it where it is to go.
Here it is so far...
Not much of anything right now but just you wait and see...
...and this is where I salvaged the wood pieces for my shoe shelving in the garage.
...and this is what is going to house all the garden stuff that I took out of the white monster cabinet.
What did I purge?  I got a whole van full of "crap" ;o) that I will take to MomK for her garage sale in 2 weeks. 
Not too bad for a weekend, huh?
By the way, I only got rid of a pair of shoe....and it was T's!   ;oP

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