Monday, August 3, 2015

Loving the Rain

I really can't believe that summer is almost over!
I feel as if my list of to-do in the beginning of the summer only got longer.

 I wanted to make some gardening headway in the yard
But just never seemed to have had a chance to get any extra time.

 The weekends have been too short and there is barely enough time
 to get the mowing done before the rain comes.

But I am oh so glad of the rains because I have been rewarded!
 By flowers that bloom by surprise!

 by tomatoes that just sprout out of nowhere

enough basil for pesto to last through the winter.

enough lemons to always have lemonade...

...and if not, there are the calamansi (calamundin) trees...

a bunch of bananas with several hands...

the promise of a first "suha" (pomelo) harvest...

even the nursery of baby loquats are getting taller...

The only dismay are the squirrels that loved our Asian pear fruits too much.
What had been a tree full of fruits disappeared
and we were left with just one!
It's the brown little potato looking thing to the left of the chime...

T and I had a fun time doing one of our recycling projects to save this one pear.
We made some wind chimes out of recycled bottle caps
and hung one right by the lone fruit.
It is our hope that any squirrel that tries to get it will be startled by it.
Therefore leaving it alone.

I'll keep you posted if it works.
Stay tuned for a post on how to make the wind chimes too!

Lastly, I want to introduce you to "The President."

He was given to me by one of my students in the beginning of the summer.
He is a Gator Glory, a plant developed here at UF.
He was just but a toddler when he was given to me and now look how he has grown!
Thank you Angelina M!

What about you?..
Has the rain just been as generous to your garden?

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1 comment:

  1. Wow, such bounty! You can almost go off the grid. E, can you grow mangoes there?
