Tuesday, October 22, 2013

T's Enchanted Garden (Repost)

Welcome to T's garden!

It really is full of magical things.

There is a sleeping angel perched over her armoire.

...and oil paintings framed and peeking through her painted bench.

There are more angels watching guard from above.

 And many beautiful quilts handmade by her Grandma.

Her bed is a present from her Lola and Lolo.
With beautiful golden carvings of flowers and doves.

We have cupids playing sweet music on a delicate ceramic tureen.
...and another holding her lampshade at the lamp's base.
We've got bead crystals that dangle at the bedside.
...and sparkling crystals that tinkle and shine from her fan and chandelier.

It is a tranquil place where all evil is caught and destroyed.

And where birds and butterflies fly and sing.

It is a place where when night time is upon it, daddy's Christmas lights glow like the stars.
Allowing the tired princess to sleep peacefully.

Stay tuned for her bathrooom.

If you want to know what inspired her to want a garden theme, read here.

You can read about her entrance and garden gate here. 

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